How to Change Your cPanel Password


Last Update 6 months ago

How to Change cPanel Password:

1. Login to cPanel:

Open your web browser and type the following in the address bar:

Replace "" with your actual domain or use the server's IP address.

2. Enter Your cPanel Username and Password:

Log in by entering your cPanel username and password in the provided fields. Click on the "Log in" button.

3. Access "Change Password" Section:

Scroll down to the "Security" section within cPanel. Look for an icon labeled "Change Password" or a similar option.

4. Provide Current and New Password:

In the "Change Password" section, enter your current password and set a new, strong password. Ensure it includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

5. Apply Password Change:

Click on the "Change your password now!" or a similar button to save your new password.

6. Confirmation Message:

Look for a confirmation message indicating the successful password change.

7. Logout:

As a security measure, always log out of your cPanel account after completing your tasks.

Remember to safeguard your new password and avoid sharing it. Consider using a password manager for added security. If you encounter any difficulties or have questions, contact your hosting provider's support for assistance.

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